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In my case, they can\t say why you didn\t speak during Serzh\s t

"Conscious people, in addition Shirazi Vardy to the title, also read the text and see that the statement we Shirazi Vardy have joined is about hatred. We are concerned that Robert Kocharyan"s detention contributes to the deepening of that hatred, as both sides are positioned and begin to fight each other. It leads to unnecessary, emotional tension in the judicial process, which is not in anyone"s interests, "said Vahe Begoyan, artistic Shirazi Varde director and conductor of the male choir of the psalmist"s" Psalmist ", in a conversation with Shirazi Varde 168.am. He is one of the cultural figures who joined the announcement to change.

"Vahe Begain is not interested in who was tense from that statement. "I have no problem, they may not buy my concert tickets, they were not particularly interested in Armenian soulful music. I am not a representative of show business, and those who listen to Armenian soulful youmovies music do not look at it, they look at the quality of the "Psalmist". It"s not that we didn"t understand that joining that statement would attack us. "
We inquired how he joined the statement, because among the 60 signatories were people who said they youmovies were unaware of the content of the statement.

"Everything was as presented by Leon Kocharyan. I was called and told that they were taking such an initiative, so I asked them to send me the text and the names of the people who joined. They sent me the text, I read it, I saw that it is minimal Shirazi Vard political and maximum concern in this state of society. And we all see the atmosphere of enmity and hatred. In order to eliminate the atmosphere of hatred, the authorities must at some point realize that they are the opposition authorities, representing their interests, and that the opposition does not have to be corrupt, close to the previous government. Those who know me know how I criticized the RPA in the last words. In my case, they can"t say why you didn"t Shirazi Vard speak during Serzh"s time. I was talking about how I was talking, "Vahe Begoyan said in response."